Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Cara Memperbaiki Hard disk Weak Sectors

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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Hard disk case: weak sectors

There are weak sectors found on the hard disk surface.

This example shows the status of a Seagate 250 GB SATA hard disk.

Hard disk problems reported

  • increased boot times, blue screen (BSOD) during boot, system restore required
  • files / folders hardly or slowly accessed or even can't be read at all
  • chkdsk / scandisk reported "bad sectors" on the partition

First hard disk checks

Initially, the hard disk health reported was 81 %. The text description shows the actual problems with the hard disk:
There are 31 weak sectors found on the disk surface. They may be remapped any time in the later use of the disk.
The Disk -> Short self test and Disk -> Extended self test functions quickly stop with an error indicating that there is a problem:
Test failed by read element
Using chkdsk to "repair" the bad sectors also confirm that there is a problem with the partition (notice the 13928 KB in bad sectors):
CHKDSK shows bad sectors

Hard disk weak sectors

A "weak sector" or "pending sector" (the same but with different name) is a sector where the CRC check showed problems on a read operation, but (currently) no physical problem encountered. The drive marks such sector as "pending sector" and on next write operation(s) the drive verifies the status of the corresponding sector to confirm if it can be re-used or not.
If things are good, the drive sector could read back and there are no signs of problems, then the status of the sector set back to normal (the number of such weak sectors may decrease and there is no re-allocation). But if this verification shows failure, then the drive starts the reallocation process and marks the sector as bad - to completely disable its later use and re-direct all further reads and writes to the spare area instead. Then the number of bad (reallocated) sectors may incrase and they may be reported in Hard Disk Sentinel.
Usually, weak sectors can be caused by
  • real drive failure (error with internal memory, problem with drive head or surface)
  • power loss (the write operation could not be completed because of power loss)
  • power failure (weak power supply or not stable power line)
  • data cable failure or improper connection (usually cause also communication errors )
  • system memory or motherboard problem
  • overclocking
  • general overheating of the motherboard, chipset, hard disk controller
Because weak sectors may not indicate real failure of the hard disk drive, they are not counted as seriously as real bad sectors or other attributes / issues. Anyway, these should be noticed also because they can cause serious problems if they are located in the administrative areas of the hard disk drive (boot record, MFT, critical system files) and/or if the number of weak sectors is high.
This may sound weird, but in most cases the weak sectors do not indicate real problems with the hard disk. As a side effect, chkdsk may detect bad sectors on the actual partition (logical drive) and marks them as bad to prevent accessing that particular logical drive area. However, this is not the best solution becausechkdsk does not repair the hard disk drive itself, only the partition (the logical drive). It means that if a re-partition and re-format would be ever required, the problems are still there, the problematic sectors would be used again, they may cause data loss / corruption again and re-running chkdsk may find them again - a vicious circle.

Not stable hard disk status

When weak sectors reported by Hard Disk Sentinel, the first thing to be considered that the problem may not be the failure of the hard disk itself, but a problem caused by the operating environment. It is recommended to check the items listed above, replace data / power cables, verify the power supply. If this does not happen, we may expect further weak sectors to be detected during the later use of the hard disk. For example, if the status is not stable, performing even an antivirus scan or using Disk -> Read Test function may reveal further "weak sectors" on the hard disk surface. Notice that the number of red spots (unreadable sectors, showing the position of the weak sectors) are higher than the previously reported weak sectors:
Read test shows new problems on hard disk surface

Repair weak sectors

To completely repair weak sectors, it is required to perform the overwrite of the disk surface. This would ensure that the currently reported and all possible new (currently not detected) weak sectors would be carefully re-tested and the hard disk can perform the required steps: to reallocate the sector (if it can't be re-used and required to replace with a spare sector) or to repair it if the sector can be re-used without problems. The best way is to perform the overwrite with special initialisation patterns to help the hard disk to perform the verification of the underlying weak sectors and test if the sector is usable and works accurately after different overwrite passes and then could be read back without problems.
The Disk menu -> Surface test -> Reinitialise disk surface is the best way to repair the hard disk. The test permanently fixes the weak sectors and make the hard disk drive more usable in general.
After using Disk menu -> Surface test -> Reinitialise disk surface test, the hard disk status will be stable and the complete surface can be used without problems. Ideally, absolutely no reallocation required: the hard disk may return to PERFECT status and 100% health would be reported again:
The hard disk status is PERFECT. Problematic or weak sectors were not found and there are no spin up or data transfer errors.
Re-running the Disk -> Extended self-test function confirms that now there are no problems:
Disk -> Extended self-test successfully completed
Re-running the Disk -> Surface test -> Read test function also confirms that the disk surface is now perfect, there are no damaged or bad blocks found:
Read test shows there are no problems on hard disk surface
And even the performance graph shows that the complete hard disk surface is correctly accessible, without any significant delays:
Read test shows the performance
And re-running chkdsk to check and repair bad sectors would show no bad sectors (notice the 0 KB in bad sectors):
CHKDSK shows 0 KB in bad sectors


The best way is to prevent weak sectors. When they reported, Hard Disk Sentinel can help to diagnose and repair them, usually they can be completely repaired with Hard Disk Sentinel by using Disk -> Surface test -> Reinitialise disk surface test.
  • Consider using high quality cables, for example SATA cables with SATA 6G designation (especially if you prefer to use a SATA 6G device)
  • Avoid using power cable extenders, Y power splitters, 4 pin -> SATA power cable converters
  • Use good quality power supply with higher output rating to make sure the drives would get enough power to operate correctly
  • Consider using an UPS to prevent power spikes / power loss which can cause weak sectors
  • Consider extra cooling for the system in general, especially if you use high-level video cards and/or other devices producing excessive heat
  • When weak sectors reported, start Disk -> Surface test -> Read test in Hard Disk Sentinel and save the resulting disk surface map before starting Disk -> Surface test -> Reinitialise disk surface test. This way after repairing the hard disk drive, if "weak sectors" would be reported again in the future, running Disk -> Surface test -> Read test again would confirm the situation: if the problem is reported in the same block on the hard disk surface area, it may be related to the hard disk itself, but if the issue is reported in other areas (usually random areas as shown in this example), the status may be more related to the operating environment - not the actual hard disk drive.
  • It is good idea to test and repair the hard disk drive in a completely different environment: connecting the hard disk to a different computer where different power supply, hard disk controller, devices, drivers used.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

Mempercantik Tampilan Facebook

Mempercantik Tampilan Facebook

Facebook merupakan situs jejaring sosial yang paling populer diseluruh dunia. Hal yang membuat facebook digemari banyak orang salah satunya adalah banyak aplikasi untuk memperindah tampilan facebook.
Posting kali ini akan mengupas cara memperindah tampilan facebook dengan aplikasi Facefetti.
Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
1. Download aplikasi facefetti dengan klik link di bawah ini:
2. Setelah selesai didownload, Klik 2 kali file tersebut untuk memulai proses instalasi.

3. Klik finish untuk mengakhiri proses instalasi. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai muncul Internet Explorer.
4. Masuk/login ke facebook anda. Lihat gambar boneka sebelah kanan atas lalu klik. Klik Pick a Profile Skin untuk mengganti skin sesuai keinginan Anda.

1. Dibutuhkan browser Internet Explorer dan .Net Framework
2. Adobe Flash versi terbaru.

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Ekspresikan Dirimu di Facebook dengan Facemood

Siapa yang gak kenal dengan situs jejaring sosial facebook, jutaan orang di indonesia sudah terdaftar, bahkan satu orang memiliki banyak akun.
Banyak hal positif dan negatifnya dari Facebook, tapi kan bermanfaat apabila kita mengambil sisi positifnya.., salah satu fitur facebook adalah Chatbox. Fitur Chat menjadi salah satu alternafit komunikasi di dunia maya, biasanya dalam chatting kita mengetikan karakter tertentu yang menghasilkan smile yang kita inginkan, akan tetapi smile standar kurang menarik, agar lebih menarik maka kita tambahkan add-on pada browser kita.
Caranya cukup gampang, tinggal download aplikasi facemood, klik disini lalu instal seperti biasanya.
Setelah selesai, buka browser dan login di facebook, pada Chatbox, klik smile sebelah kiri bawah akan muncul add-on facemood,

 pilih smile sesuka kamu.., bahkan ada suara yang lucu..


Cara Mengaktifkan Konfirmasi Delete pada Windows 8

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Berikut cara untuk mengaktifkan konfirmasi delete pada Windows 8:
1. Klik kanan pada icon Recycle Bin -> pilih Properties.
2. Centang pilihan "Display delete confirmation dialog" -> Klik OK.
Cukup mudah bukan?

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Cara Membuka 2 Powerpoint pada Jendela Terpisah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Membuka dua file Powerpoint secara bersama mungkin benar-benar dibutuhkan dalam beberapa kasus. Bila Anda ingin membedakan atau menyamakan slide dari 2 file berbeda, Anda akan mengalami kesulitan karena harus membuka salah satu file powerpoint, melihat, menutupnya, membuka file lainnya dan terakhir mencoba membandingkannya.
dengan membuka dua presentasi secara bersama di jendela terpisah memungkinkan Anda untuk mentransfer rincian dan bahkan seluruh slide dari satu slide ke slide lainnya yang berdeda file.
Lalu bagaimana hal tersebut bisa dilakukan? Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

Langkah 1
Buka 2 file Powerpoint.

Langkah 2
Klik Tab View -> Klik Icon Arrange All, seperti gambar berikut:
alt text


Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Service Monitor LCD Samsung SyncMaster 743nx Blank

Adik saya punya monitor LCD Samsung SincMaster 743NX 17″ yang digunakan untuk warnet dengan masalah pada tampilan, yaitu: jika PC dinyalakan dan power on pada monitor dinyalakan juga, lampu indikator pada monitor menyala beberapa detik lalu mati, nyala lagi, akan tetapi selang beberapa menit akhirnya lampu indikator tersebut nyala terus (bagus). Namun, dimonitor hanya tampil beberapa detik lalu menghilang lagi….. Padahal, lampu indikator pada CPU menunjukkan kalau PC telah selesai loading ke desktop windows. Tapi, sama sekali tidak ada tampilan pada monitor (blank). Anehnya lampu indikator pada monitor pun menyala (bagus).
Karena penasaran, akhirnya saya bongkar monitor tersebut, dan saya temukan 4 buah elco yang melembung (rusak) yaoitu: 470mF 25V. Singkatnya saya menggantinya dan alhasil, jrenggg… monitor tersebut normal kembali dan tidak ada lagi gelap-gelapan di awalnya kelau pertama kali dinyalakan, monitor adik saya kembali seperti baru lagi. Alhamdulillah..
Sekian dulu,…. semoga bermanfaat.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Installation Failed: HRESULT 0xc8000247 fixed

Apakah Anda pernah mengalami kegagalan dalam menginstall .Net Framework 4 pada windows 7? Saya pun pernah mengalami hal serupa yang hampir membuat saya putus asa dan berencana mengganti windows 7 menjadi windows XP. Setelah beberapa jam googling, akhirnya saya mendapatkan cara yang dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut. Berikut tahapannya: (100% tested & work)

1. Buka Windows Explorer, Klik kanan pada Computer > pilih Manage 
2. Pada Jendela Computer Management, pilih Device Manager
3. Klik IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
4. Klik kanan driver hardisk Anda (tergantung chipset) > pilih "Update Driver Software"
5. Pilih "Browse my computer for driver software" > pilih :Let me pick a list.."
6. Pilih "Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controler" > klik Next > Restart
7. Install Kembali .Net Framework Anda. Semoga Berhasil..


Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Selamat Datang di Blog Ilmu Komputer

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, komputer merupakan barang yang mewah. Tidak semua orang mempunyai komputer, apalagi dapat mengoperasikannya. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, kebutuhan akan komputer semakin terasa.

Kini komputer telah menjadi barang yang tidak asing lagi, disekeliling kita banyak orang yang sudah mempunyai komputer. Harga komputer pun semakin terjangkau oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat.
Akan tetapi tidak semua orang dapat memanfaatkan komputer secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu, kami berbagi beberapa trik tentang komputer, baik hardware maupun software. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kemajuan IT di Indonesia.

Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke Blog Kami. Kritik dan saran membangun sangat kami harapkan.

Selamat berselancar ria...